February 16th 2015 at 5.30
Most radicals in the the 19th century wanted the vote and other constitutional reforms, they promoted compulsory education for the working classes and a women’s right to work and enter the professions, but in a de facto alliance with the Liberal party, they had no great quarrel with capitalism. Instead, partly financed by the “London Millionaire” and newspaperman Samuel Morley M.P. , leading radicals, including Charles Bradlaugh and George Odger quarreled with Karl Marx and his allies (in and outside the IWMA) and put forward a radical and individualistic alternative to the Socialist Revival and the Second International.
London Socialist Historians
Venue: Room 102 Institute of Historical Research, Senate House,
University of London, Malet St, WC1, further information http://londonsocialisthistorians.blogspot.co.uk/