Anti-Socialist, Working Class Radicalism in the Second Half of the 19th Century

February 16th 2015 at 5.30

Most radicals in the the 19th century wanted the vote and other constitutional reforms, they promoted compulsory education for the working classes and a women’s right to work and enter the professions, but in a de facto alliance with the Liberal party, they had no great quarrel with capitalism. Instead, partly financed by the “London Millionaire” and newspaperman Samuel Morley M.P. , leading radicals, including Charles Bradlaugh  and George Odger  quarreled with Karl Marx and his allies (in and outside the IWMA)  and put forward a radical and individualistic alternative to the Socialist Revival and the Second International.

London Socialist Historians
Venue: Room 102 Institute of Historical Research, Senate House,
University of London, Malet St, WC1, further information