ANNIE BESANT’S NEO-MALTHUSIAN PASSION, International Conference on Annie Besant (1847-1933)

Annie Besant’s Passion for neo-Malthusianism belongs to her life in the radical secular movement, well before she became a Theosophist; and while she remained on good terms with some of her old radical, secular and neo-Malthusian colleagues, she soundly repudiated their ideology. Nevertheless Annie Besant’s time as a radical-secularist and neo-Malthusian is not unimportant; and the battle she fought, culminating in her trial at Queens Bench, alongside Charles Bradlaugh for re-publishing  the birth control pamphlet The Fruits of Philosophy, is an historical landmark.

Part of the two day International Conference on Annie Besant (1847-1933) chaired by Dr Muriel Pécastaing-Boissière,
held on 30th September and 1st October 2017
at The Theosophical Society of England
50 Gloucester Place,
London W1U 8EA

Further details about all the speakers, contact the