A series of Wednesday evening talks at 7pm at Conway Hall starting on 5th September running until 10th October. 2018;
Speakers: Dr Stacy Banwell, Dr Kevin Brown, Dr Jane Jordan, Dr Julia Laite, Dr Siobhán Hearne and Prof Roger Matthews.
Presented by Conway Hall Ethical Society and curated by Deborah Lavin
September 5th (Brockway Room)
Forced Prostitution: Unpacking the Links between Globalisation, Neo-Liberalism and the Illicit Sex Trade. Speaker: Dr Stacy Banwell
September 12th (Library) *
Syphilis and Fallen Women 1495-1945. Speaker: Dr Kevin Brown
September 19th (Library) *
Josephine Butler and the “Ladies Campaign” against the Contagious Diseases Acts. Speaker: Dr Jane Jordan
September 26th (Library) *
White Slaves to “Hard Girls”. Increasing Criminalisation and its Consequences (1885-1960). Speaker: Dr Julia Laite
October 3rd 2018 (Brockway Room)
From “Yellow Ticket” to “Bourgeois Evil”, Prostitution in Russia 1900-1930. Speaker: Dr Siobhán Hearne
October 10th 2018 (Brockway Room)
Contemporary Prostitution, Politics and Policy. Speaker: Prof Roger Matthews
Tickets: individual tickets £6, students & participating society members £4.
Series ticket (6 talks for the price of 5): £30, students & participating society members £20.
Further Information on the Conway Hall website: https://conwayhall.org.uk/events/